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5D Emotion Scan

``The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.``

Lao Tzu

The 5D Emotion Scan is our unique Bioresonance Frequency Technology that decodes the Ocean of Energy and Information that encompasses our physical realm, otherwise known as the Bioenergetic Field.

Every negative thought, feeling, statement, experience, and emotion holds a very specific frequency that becomes embedded in our Field, and until we can bring awareness to these energies, they may dictate our every day physical, mental, emotional and spiritual processes.

Benefits of the Fifth Dimension Scan

In our session together on the 5D Emotion Scan, we assess your currently existing ’emotional triggers, burdens, and blockages’ that affect your Cells, DNA, Heart, Vertebrae and Soul.

Topics that may come to light range from your relationship with family, life partner, emotional trauma and injuries, states of mind – old patterning, letting go, and belief systems that weigh you down.

To acknowledge and bring to consciousness the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects that are impacting on your life, is like lifting a great weight from the body. With the release of these blockages, comes freedom of Heart and Soul, enabling deep healing, and the profound next step and transformation to the next dimension.

The 5D Emotion Scan brings your unconscious into awareness, and realigns and attunes your Energy Field with modalities such as Astrology, Sacred Geometry, Chakras, Herbs & Colour Therapy to name a few.

So what defines a dimension?

Dimensions are quintessentially, the aspects of what we recognize to be reality. Whichever dimension our consciousness is on, be it the 3D, 4D or 5D we are still experiencing the same reality, but rather our way of perceiving it is completely different.

The 3rd Dimension

As three dimensional beings, we comprehend the length, width and height of our surroundings, but whether we look beyond this physical realm is what sets us apart. Thoughts, feelings, and actions are reactions from unconscious beliefs, and training to the people and situations that pop up in our bubble. The 3rd dimension is the crossroad where we decide, do we open up to the freedom of choice, and thinking outside the box? Or do we carry on this linear pathway of only believing in the material world, what we can see and hear and touch?

The 4th Dimension

According to Hermann Minkowski who contributed to Einsteins General Theory of Relativity “every event in the universe is an event in four-dimensional space-time”. For example the event of your birth. You came into the world at a certain ‘3 dimensional’ place, but at a certain time which cannot be physically measured.

Focus in the 4th dimension of ‘time and space’, is the present, not about ‘yesterday’ or ‘tomorrow. The vibration resonates higher, and you crave a lifestyle from the heart that is totally different from the conformity of the third dimension. There are still darker sides to our personalities but there is a hunger for knowledge and purpose.

The 5th Dimension

We have become maestros of our thoughts and feelings, and all emotional and mental baggage can now be left at the door. In this heightened consciousness, actions are based on love and compassion, and not just for others but especially ourselves. This dimension is related to the interconnection of all beings, to the dignity and divinity that transcends ego, fear and judgement.

Our 7 Chakras

We each have seven main energy reservoirs that connect our energy body ‘lifeforce’ to our physical body. The root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras. These spinning ‘wheels’ receive and convey vitality along meridian lines, the highways that deliver energy to every organ and physiological system in the body.

Stress, physical trauma and negative emotions can cause traffic jams within this intricate system, and the trapped energy flow can result in physical illness and mental and emotional blockages.

Through Bioresonance and our 5D Emotion Scan we can energetically balance your  Chakras, together we can transmute the negative emotions that correlate with each Chakra, and to complement the Chakras in your day to day life, please check out our beautiful Therapeutic Magnesium Chakra oils with organic essential oils, and the First Light Flower essences of New Zealand.

Book an Emotion Scan


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    With Nutrition, Natural and Energy Therapies in our toolkit, we have the knowledge, strengths and experience to help you on the road to maximum health and happiness in all aspects of your LiFE.