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Our Team

Cindy Dunn

Managing Director/Level II Reiki Practitioner

My enthusiasm, passion and love for life starts at home with my family. I promised myself 34 years ago at the birth of my first son, to BE THE BEST for myself, my family, and all who enter my life. I have been a manager and director for many small businesses for the past 34 years. I have been blessed to work alongside intuitive and proactive entrepreneurs, with the management of personal situations being my passion!

Over the past 15 years, I have worked alongside some amazing natural health practitioners, Holistic healers, Cranial-sacral therapists, and Bio-resonance devices. 9 years ago I was inspired to become a 2nd degree Reiki Practitioner, integrating Reiki and Quantum Touch. I continue my education with these 2 amazing LiFE FORCE ENERGIES, always learning, always changing.

Having had, and experienced, a variety of methods, I can say with confidence that we are unique, we are genuine, and we are effective. I work with people to make a difference – if you choose to work with us, we will make that difference!

We all have a story to share; with loving support and understanding for change in health and happiness, you can be the author of the next chapter in your life!


CALL US TODAY 027 200 7380

Book an appointment or just call us for more details,
we’re always available to help.


With Nutrition, Natural and Energy Therapies in our toolkit, we have the knowledge, strengths and experience to help you on the road to maximum health and happiness in all aspects of your LiFE.